| 1. | Asia academy of management 国际管理教育协会入会评审 |
| 2. | In fact , hot - headed stock investors make better decisions , a study in the academy of management journal showed 《管理学会期刊》的一项研究发现,实际上,感情用事的炒股人士往往能做出更好的决定。 |
| 3. | The professors ' round table discussion , organised by the academy of management , had as its subject " what should be done about ceo pay ? 此次由美国管理学会组织的教授圆桌会议的议题是` : “首席执行官的报酬何去何从? ” |
| 4. | In 1998 , he was the keynote speaker of the " founding ceremony of the asia academy of management " organized by the department of management of the faculty of business administration 一九九八年,成教授曾应中大商学院管理学系之邀,任亚洲管理学会创会大会的主讲嘉宾。 |
| 5. | X . j . xu ( 2004 ) . managing intellectual capital transformation : the key issue for mainland firms in 21 century . accepted by the conference of asia academy of management . december , shanghai 徐笑君。文化对跨国公司中知识转移的影响。 《研究与发展管理》 , 2005年10月第17卷。 |
| 6. | N . venkatraman and vasudevan ramanuujam ( 1996 ) , “ measurement of business performance on strategy research : a comparison of appronches , “ academy of management review vol . 11 no . 4 , pp 801 - 814 范碧玉( 1990 ) :精神科医疗品质保证之研究。中国医药学院医务管理学研究所硕士论文。 |
| 7. | Ming - cheng lai , ” resource ' s development , growth strategies and control mechanisms : a resource - based view approach ” , the conference of asia academy of management , hong kong , dec . 1998 郭昆谟、黄营杉、赖明政,中小企业之特质、现代化策略与经营绩效,第二届中小企业管理研讨会,嘉义中正大学, 1995年4月。 |
| 8. | The study , published in the september issue of the academy of management learning and education , defined cheating as including copying the work of other students , plagiarizing and bringing notes into exams 这篇论文发表在教学管理学术研究的第九期上,文中将作弊定义为"抄袭他人作业剽窃携带违禁纸条入考场等行为" 。 |
| 9. | The study , published in the september issue of the academy of management learning and education , defined cheating as including copying the work of other students , plagiarizing and bringing prohibited notes into exams 这篇研究报告发表在管理学习与教育杂志9月刊上。文章中所定义的欺骗行为包括抄袭其他同学作业和考试作弊等。 |